Collection: Unicorn Pee- OGUP- Unicorn Pigment Rare Polishes
All these polishes are made with the rare unicorn pigment. OGUP.
This pigment is rare and used in famous Clarins 230, it’s no longer made and has not been made in over a decade, the prices of the polishes containing this pigment reflect this.
#unicornpee, #unicornpigment, #OGUP, #thedondeevaunicornpee, #thedondeevapolish #indienailpolishes #unicornpeenailpolish, #unicornpeepolish
#unicornpee #ogup #indienailpolishunicornpee #thedondeevaunicornoee #thedondeeva #unicornpigment
#supermariobrosnailpolish #indienailpolishthedondeeva #indienailpolishsupermario #unicornpeenailpolish